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Pigeons Are Dangerous For Our Respiratory Health

Request For Removal Of Encroachment Of Grain Sellers Feeding Pigeons From The Triangle In The Confluence Of CR Park, GK Enclave-1 & Nehru Apartments

·        We the residents of CR Park and neighbouring colonies have been trying for long to seek  help in converting the pigeon triangle on the confluence of 3 colonies namely CR Park, Nehru Apartments and GK Enclave-1 into a Green Triangle as part of the current drive of SDMC to beautify vacant areas below the flyover and at intersections.

·        Inspite of our repeated reminders and requests to alter that area for the benefit of the residents of CR Park, Nehru Enclave and GK Enclave, there has been NO MOVEMENT from the authorities.

·        The situation is so serious, that some residents are now considering selling their houses and moving away from that area, which is not a viable option for everybody living in that area.

·        Is it not in your interest to care about the repercussions of such severe bird infestation on the residents' health!

·        So, we residents have taken up the cudgels and hereby reach to you to resolve this issue. 

·        Alongwith the SDMC BEAUTIFICATION DRIVE cleaning up spaces under flyovers, this Triangle can also be similarly beautified as the earliest possible.

·        Any OTHER MEASURE to beautify the Triangle is also welcome.

·        Please take up this serious cause and resolve this issue asap !!

From The Aggrieved Residents of CR Park, GK1 & 2, GK Enclave-1 & 2, Nehru Apartments, Hemkunt Colony, Pamposh Enclave and Neighbouring Colonies.

Links To Websites For More Information:






Steaming Up Your Winter With Soups

Suitable for every age group, easy to make, helps you recover fast from illness, helps you lose your weight, helps you remain healthy, you name it….and soups can do it all.

Winter has set in and you try to find ways to keep you not only warm, but also healthy. During winter our immune system slows down a bit and we tend to fall sick. We are exposed to many infections that cause sickness. One needs to take care of one’s health. It is a time when we want to eat so many things, isn’t it!  Spicy stuff, hot snacks, fried junks, loads of savories and sweets. Name them and you want to have them all.

Of course you should not avoid them but, you should know to balance your meals.

Here comes Soups to your rescue.
·         helps us to neutralize our system
·         help us to flush away unwanted toxins from out body
·         gets easily absorbed by our body
·         provides us  with the needed vitamins and minerals
·         adds colour to our life
·         are very filling and refreshing and keeps you going for hours without getting tired
·         and last but not the least, they are easy to prepare.

Generally Soups are considered boring and tasteless. Actually it is not true. At least I don’t think so. Have faith, spicing up your soup is not at all difficult. Use all sorts of herbs and spices, use healthy oil, use lentils and grains to thicken them and give them a certain consistency. If you like it plain and simple you can do that as well. You are the creator and you can play with as many things as you can.

Bidisha Som (http://platterfulloflife.com/)

Do check up my heart warming recipes here ...


Making A Tray Garden

Transform a large tray and a collection of small-scale plants into an enchanted landscape.... From the teeny-tiny glass house to itty-bitty tools and thimble-size pots, the design works as a study in detail.

Set it on a sturdy plant stand or in the middle of a dining table for a captivating scene. Make a similar landscape in a smaller tray to fit a windowsill or shelf.
Tray Created by Seema Talreja ( Resident of South Ex , C 19), New Delhi

Materials Required & Directions:
1. Get a suitable tray ( with holes at the bottom) for your 'Tray Garden'. The tray should be preferably made of terracotta or any earth material . However, other trays can also be used .

2. For decoration purpose we need miniature fountain, fencing, benches, garden tools, and pots etc.

3. All plants to be used in the tray garden should be of same nature, eg all succulents, all cactus or all water plants etc to be used. Also, plants which do not grow very fast should be used so as to keep the garden from growing out of bounds. Regular trimming may be required in case of rapid growth.

Some plants which can be used are Fycus varigated, Mondu grass, Syngonium miniature, Hamelia miniature, Golden Duranta, Asparagus, Baby tears, Jade, Lavender etc.

4. Soil Mix should not be much healthy so that plants do not grow much taller. To make the soil mixture we will need - 2 part solarized garden soil, cleaned , non infected (Can microwave or give the soil hot water treatment) and filtered (to remove hard elements), 1 part rotten cow dung manure, 1part leaf mould, 1 spoon bonemeal and 1 spoon neemkhali (bark of neem tree)  and small pieces of brick or pots.

5. Close tray holes with brick or broken pot pieces. Place in concave manner.

7. Place a layer of soil around 2 inch thick covering the tray fully.

8. Take out each plant from the nursery soil and clean completely and then put in the tray soil. To add plants, begin with the largest specimens and fill in with alpines and ground covers. When planting, gently loosen root balls and shake loose extraneous soil, if necessary, to tuck the roots into the potting mix. Leave room for pathways and your selection of miniature features, such as a glass house, fountain, and other accessories.

9. Add more soil mix to cover roots.

10. Add a top layer of small stones to cover soil mix completely.

11. Add the decorations as per your choice. However, too many and varied decorations may spoil the look of the tray garden. Our aim is to highlight the plants and not the decorative accessories. The accessories should just be enough to add an element of interest to the landscape.

12. With the plants and furnishings in place, sprinkle aquarium gravel over any exposed potting mix to prevent erosion.

13.Water thoroughly after planting; thereafter, water only when the potting mix feels dry.

14.To prevent damage to furniture, place the container on a waterproof tray before setting it on your plant stand or table.

by Dr Anindita Roy with inputs from Anu Lamba, AIKGA Unit 7A



Shapno Ekhon, A Creative Platform

Shopno Ekhon, a promising theatre group based out of CR Park, has been making waves from the time it was born. It has delved into very pertinent social issues that are currently punctuating the progress of society and presenting them in myriad frames which stir the consciousness of the individual.

The most recent display of its immense talent was visible in the just concluded Theatre Festival in  B C Pal Auditorium, the very own cultural hub of CR Park.  The subject was forest conservation and creation of green belt to counter pollution.  

The concept was presented in a most unique manner, where the protagonist was shown having a love affair with the tree. She was so besotted with ‘Ranjan” the tree, that she undergoes traumatic time, when it was cut down.  

The love affair with the tree was the hallmark of the short play and the whole story was presented in a monologue.  A riveting performance by the protagonist through the entire 30 minutes captured the attention of the house full audience. 

The play ended on a positive note with 10 girls coming on to the stage from the audience end,  singing and dancing to Rabindra Nath Tagore’s springtime song.

Keep up the good work Shopno Ekhon!

by Jaya Ray (ray.jaya72@gmail.com)


Shapno Ekhon is a creative platform in Delhi engaged in promotion and practice of performing arts especially theater among the younger generation. We aim to create a band of theater workers for the future while engaging in good theater in the present.

Founded in 2009


To practice and promote various forms of performing arts especially theater.

More Information 

Call 098732 24365

Email : shapnoekhon1@gmail.com



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The Misery Of The  Pigeon Triangle Residents of CR Park, have very seriously taken up the cudgels to re – instate a green cover in plac...

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