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Steaming Up Your Winter With Soups

Suitable for every age group, easy to make, helps you recover fast from illness, helps you lose your weight, helps you remain healthy, you name it….and soups can do it all.

Winter has set in and you try to find ways to keep you not only warm, but also healthy. During winter our immune system slows down a bit and we tend to fall sick. We are exposed to many infections that cause sickness. One needs to take care of one’s health. It is a time when we want to eat so many things, isn’t it!  Spicy stuff, hot snacks, fried junks, loads of savories and sweets. Name them and you want to have them all.

Of course you should not avoid them but, you should know to balance your meals.

Here comes Soups to your rescue.
·         helps us to neutralize our system
·         help us to flush away unwanted toxins from out body
·         gets easily absorbed by our body
·         provides us  with the needed vitamins and minerals
·         adds colour to our life
·         are very filling and refreshing and keeps you going for hours without getting tired
·         and last but not the least, they are easy to prepare.

Generally Soups are considered boring and tasteless. Actually it is not true. At least I don’t think so. Have faith, spicing up your soup is not at all difficult. Use all sorts of herbs and spices, use healthy oil, use lentils and grains to thicken them and give them a certain consistency. If you like it plain and simple you can do that as well. You are the creator and you can play with as many things as you can.

Bidisha Som (http://platterfulloflife.com/)

Do check up my heart warming recipes here ...

Location: Bremen, Germany



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