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Winterize Your Immune System

...So…has your preparation for the winters started? I am pretty sure that most of you have tucked away your summer wears in the closet to make place for winter clothes like sweaters, mufflers, jackets etc. You must have also put aside the coolers and taken out your room heaters, blowers etc. but…… wait a minute!!! ….a big question is raising its head …HAVE YOU WINTERISED YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM??? I mean to say my dears, that have you prepared your immune system to fight and prevent the cold and flu likely to attack you with the onset of winters . It is actually the immune system in our body which maintains a barrier between us and our environment. To put it in simple words, it is the defense mechanism of the body which ensures that we do not fall ill. It defends our body against attacks by foreign invaders such as virus, bacteria, fungus , parasites  etc.

So friends …. get ready to winterize your immune system with these simple guidelines mentioned below and strengthen your immune response.

1. What  you should eat -
If you feel unwell eat food light on stomach such as soup and steamed vegetables. Plenty of fresh vegetables are available to prepare soups during winters. You should also add ginger, garlic and onion to your soups. Berries and citrus fruits is a must as they contain vitamin C.

Peanuts , roasted pumpkin seeds ,wheat germ and whole grains strengthen immune system .

Have plenty of Vitamin A rich foods like liver, spinach, carrot, potato etc. Fresh and leafy vegetables should be used as much as possible.

Proteins also boost the immune system. So fish, lean meat, eggs , chicken should find a proper place in your kitchen , not to forget the beans and legumes and nuts which are also a rich source of proteins.

2. What you should not eat –
Eliminate food that weakens your immune system and causes mucus during winters. 

Stop refined sugar, dairy products and any such food which you are allergic to. Red meat should be avoided as much as possible. Cut back on fried foods and also processed foods as they are dangerous to immune health.

Avoid caffeine because it depletes your body of zinc which is necessary for healing.

3. Stay hydrated- 
Remember that the flu season is in and hence you have to take precautions. Keep yourself well hydrated with warm water, green tea or herbal teas like ginger tea, cinnamon tea or any other flavoured tea as per your taste. You can also pamper yourself with fresh fruit juices but please, a big no to cold drinks as well as soda this winters.

4. Exercise –
Well ..this is also an immunity booster but to be done in moderation. Too much of heavy exercise is not advisable.
Yoga and pranayaam has been beneficial in boosting the immune system from time immemorial. Also getting enough sleep is an immunity booster.

So finally friends ..the guardian angel of your body , that is your immune system, will protect you through the chilly winters if you pay your reverence properly . I wish you all to reinforce your natural immunity arsenal and stay happy and healthy and enjoy the coming winters….chillllll...

by Dr Suranjana Ghosh (Gold Medalist , Ph.D) 8987634116

Location: Hazaribagh, Jharkhand, India



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