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Showing posts with label Neighbourhood Talks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neighbourhood Talks. Show all posts

Solar Energy For Our Everyday Uses

A Contentious Citizen Using Solar Energy And Trying To Popularise Solar Energy Use..

Once again after a long gap I met Jagdish Sharma at his house in GK 2, Masjid Moth. His house never stops amazing me with the small solar panels in the balcony and innumerous gadgets running on solar power. The solar mobile charger, the solar lantern, the solar inverter, the solar powered bulbs in his house, all continue to intrigue me. 

This time was a new addition, the solar cooker. With its improved design and with non-glass reflectors, the model was lighter than its predecessors. The cooker can be kept out on the terrace or balcony he says. The solar cooker is not meant to replace the gas stove as yet , but it can help to save 75% gas and will add organic value to the food cooked in it. The containers in which food is cooked are 4 steel containers which can be adjusted inside the cooker. These containers are coated with black paint to absorb more heat. He also wants to experiment with terracotta containers for a fully organic meal. The containers can be filled with food to be cooked and kept in the sun in the morning and one can get cooked food for lunch. 3-4 hours is the time required for the food to get cooked and this slow process of cooking enhances the taste of food too.

India has tremendous scope of generating solar energy. The geographical location of the country stands to its benefit for generating solar energy. The reason being India is a tropical country and it receives solar radiation almost throughout the year, which amounts to 3,000 hours of sunshine. This solar energy if used contentiously can help us to save tremendous amount of other energy forms. Although solar energy cannot totally eliminate usage of other forms of energy, the usage will help in curtailing and saving other energy forms. Also, Solar Energy is environment friendly. When in use, it does not release CO2 and other gases which pollute the air. Hence it is very suitable for India, India being one of the most polluted countries of the world. You don’t need a power or gas grid to get solar energy. A solar energy system can be installed anywhere. Solar panels can be easily placed in houses. Hence, it is quite inexpensive compared to other sources of energy. We hope that many citizens will start using solar energy for their everyday needs for energy and help the environment by doing so.

By Anindita Roy (9818541252)


Akanksha Foundation for Music and Performing Arts

 A Dance Academy In Our Neighbourhood

Being a south-Indian, I was always drawn towards Bharatanatyam and nurtured a passion since my childhood. Due to several unforeseen circumstances, I could not pursue it during my years in Mumbai. Post my marriage, I moved to New Delhi around 12 years ago and became a resident of C.R.Park. And it is here that I met Nanditha Mazumdar, a well-known Bharatanatyam dancer and Guru.

Initially, I was not aware that she was a dancer. We became friends through our children who went to the same play school. But when she disclosed about her dance and the fact that she teaches too, I couldn’t resist myself. I jumped at the opportunity and joined her academy on the auspicious occasion of Vijayadashmi Here was a chance for me to fulfill my passion and dream.

I have not regretted my decision even once. My Guru, Nanditha Mazumdar, has been an excellent teacher and a great person to know. She is very good with her disciples, teaching and guiding them beautifully and bringing out the best in each student of the academy. Even though I am the oldest in the academy in terms of age, yet I feel like one of the other younger students. We are like a large family where all the students interact closely with each other and join hands for all celebrations, especially when we have birthdays.

The Academy is 8 years old in this neighbourhood and has a friendly atmosphere. I feel fortunate and blessed to be a student of Guru Nanditha Mazumdar, and so does every student of the academy. My daughter too is now a disciple of this lovely Guru.

With such a good dance academy in the neighbourhood, I feel it is my duty to write and make the residents of C.R.Park and the neighbouring areas aware about it.

Mrs.Usha Devendranath
#88004 43770

green habitat environment organic living

green habitat environment organic living

green habitat environment organic living

green habitat environment organic living

green habitat environment organic living


Let Us Awaken To A Cleaner Environment And Pledge To Reduce Reuse & Recycle

I often indulge in daydreaming to visualize India to be a pollution free clean country. Then I question to myself, is it possible or is it just a mere fantasy? We all are aware of the benefits of keeping our environment clean, but do we stretch ourselves a bit or try to find out ways to make it actually possible. 

Recently I was very much inspired and impressed by my neighbour Gunita Dewan who actually reuses non-biodegradable waste to make beautiful, attractive objects like pots, pen stand, card holder. She is reusing plastic waste to lessen the burden of pollution from the environment. 

Non-biodegradable waste is an environmental concern as it threatens to overwhelm landfills and produce disposal problems, unlike biodegradable waste such as food and other organic waste non-biodegradable waste remains stable indefinitely. It offers items like rubber, plastic, fibre-glass, metals. When Swatch Bharat Abhiyan was launched there was a sensational drive all over the country. Such movement should be strengthened more so that a clean India emerges. 

If we keenly observe we will find some trees on the main road that connect CR park with Kalkaji, plastic packets containing flowers are hung there. It is very important to find out alternative solutions instead of dirtying our motherland. Let us all interrogate ourself and question do we really want to live in an impure, infected, poisonous surrounding? The answer will be no! never. Then let us all strive to change our habit and make our motherland a more beautiful, habitable place to live and to ensure a bright future for our next generation.

By Sumita Hore (K 1/74, CR Park) EcoHabitat.Times@gmail.com

Eco Habitat Club For Environmental Issues


C.R Park H-Block Plastic Clean-Up Drive

As part of our month-long plastic clean-up drive from South Delhi’s public parks, it was time to extend this initiative closer home. With the support of a few close friends and acquaintances, I created a Facebook event titled ‘C.R Park H-Block Clean Up’ on May 6, Sunday. Through the event, we mobilised a few Chittaranjan Park residents to take part in this community-led plastic clean-up initiative and drive home the point that keeping our neighbourhoods clean is not limited to only sweepers and the South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC). It was a call to action for C.R Park residents to take collective responsibility for their surroundings and environment.

Most importantly, the central idea behind the clean-up drive was to raise awareness about the hazard of single-use disposable plastics like straws, water bottles, cellophane bags, food packaging etc., which are used for only minutes before being discarded. Due to lack of viable recycling centres in Delhi, this waste then goes into our ever-increasing landfills, which poses serious health and environmental issues. The point of the clean-up drive was to inform and educate people about sustainable ‘alternatives’ to disposable plastic.

It was encouraging to see a 4-year-old and a 70-year-old participating in the drive together, setting an example for many to shed their inhibitions about picking trash. The biggest source of motivation was to hear some residents assure us of their participation next time around. Some also joined us along the way!

Although only a few participated in the event, it was a success right from the moment we decided to organise the clean-up. Going forward, we plan to hold such clean-ups on weekends so more residents can participate and educate others on the problems related to single-use disposable plastic.

Beat Plastic Pollution


Shubho Nobo Barsho!

In the pre-dawn darkness, long before the sun was scheduled to rise – at 5:56 am – devotees had started gathering on the lawns of Chittaranjan Park Kali Mandir. Everyone stood in orderly lines facing east. It was Nabo Barsho – 15th April, Bengali New Year’s Day. We were waiting to catch the first auspicious glimpse of the Sun God, the giver of Life and ruling deity of our oldest scripture, the Rig Veda. We held palm leaf bowls with rose petals, til and Ganga jal, which we would offer the God as soon as he made his appearance through the verdant tree tops that surround the temple. Since there remained a good half hour before sun rise, we listened to a rendition of Tagore’s “Aguner Parashmani”, about the light that touches  our vision and dispels the darkness. 

The Chief functionaries welcomed all devotees who numbered in the hundreds by now. A priest recited verses from the Rig Veda, in praise of that most ancient of worshiped beings – the Sun, who was about to appear before us in its everyday , glorious form. Is there anything more breath-taking than that first sight of the newly risen sun? We raised our flowers to him and prayed for a serene, peaceful and happy New Year.

At the end of the prayers, the palm-leaf bowls were collected for orderly disposal – the lawn remained pristine, except for the thousand or so devotees embracing each other with New Year greetings.

And the Bengali year 1425 had begun.

May it bring happiness, good health and peace to all our neighbours.

By Chitra Sarkar ,J Block CR Park, New Delhi


Today , 20th March Is World Sparrow Day ..Where Have The Sparrows Gone?

House Sparrow, The State Bird Of Delhi, Has Been Driven Away By Pigeons ?

Has anyone seen a sparrow of late? I have not! And I am not surprised !! 

Our homes and the surrounding environment are infested with rock pigeons! Pigeon feeding is the latest fad which apparently wards off all evils and failures from our lives! How incredulous can we be! Where have our common sense and education gone? Are we now supposed to feed pigeons to make or break our careers and education? No marks are given to efforts or hard work – all credits go to the rock pigeons! Should I laugh or cry or get angry? I am going through all the three emotions now thinking, is this how progressive society functions!

Anyway, coming back to the sparrow- the whole infestation of pigeons has driven the demure, chirpy and cute sparrow away from the neighbourhood and our houses. We had studied in our childhood that sparrows live in the houses- on the balconies, roofs, cornices, hence are called house sparrows. However, I suppose the term has changed or has become extinct since it is no longer used. So, are we a witness to another species going extinct? If so, then it is very sad.

I fondly remember the sparrow coming and sitting on the window sill of my bedroom when I used to study with the window open. The high-pitched chirping would take my attention away from my books and I would look up to see how exactly the sparrow would chirp. I would slowly inch closer to it, in a vain attempt to catch it – but as always it would be faster than me and would immediately fly away as soon as I would reach the window. I would try and look into the trees to find out the sparrow's nest, but alas, could never see it! My wish to make it my pet, always remained a wish!

Summer holidays would mean waking up to the incessant chirping of the sparrows sitting on the big lemon tree in the garden overlooking my bedroom. I would get angry at the birds then – why did they wake me up so soon! I could have slept some more! Waking up would mean going back to morning study, which I would hate – that too in summer holidays! How insensitive can teachers be! I would have preferred chasing the sparrows in my garden, befriending them and bringing them into my room secretly, without my mother knowing what I brought in!

But now, my ears crave to listen to the pleasant chirpings which do not seem audible any more! My son has never seen a sparrow. I tell him stories about our childhood and show him pictures of what a sparrow looked like. He looks at the photos and tells me that these birds look very cute..and listens to my stories with amazement. His generation has never chased birds in the garden - it doesnt know the simple pleasures of seeing a bird stting on the window sill and observing its mannerisms, the swift as lightening movements and quick pecking of food from the grounds.

But I still hope against hope that the sparrow will not die such an early death and will be around for some more time. I still hope I will be able to sight it sometime…and hear the chirp once…before it leaves the face of the earth.

I sincerely hope that, the Delhi Government would take some measures to save its ‘State Bird’ from extinction!!

By Jaya Ray (rayjaya72@gmail.com) 9871718921


Death By Pigeons, Health Ministry Please Note

Interstitial Lung Disease Death On The Rise In The City.. Anybody Listening ???

There is a sudden rise in the trend of feeding pigeons in Delhi. Every triangle is being taken over by grain sellers and the blind superstitious public happily feeds the pigeon lots. Oh What peace they get! All their problems are solved, their children pass exams without studying and they get their coveted promotions without any hard work !!!

The triangle in the conjunction of CR Park, GK Enclave-1, Nehru Apartments and Pamposh enclave and the one near Kalka mandir has become a massive breeding ground for thousands of rock pigeons. The pigeon population has exploded manifold and our houses and air conditioners have become their nesting and breeding spots.

It is said that the most dangerous path of pigeon poop to our lung is the AC duct. The AC Duct sucks in the pigeon poop dust and we breathe this air in which causes the Deadly Lung Disease. Everyone is afraid to use these pigeon poop infested ACs now.

These pigeons are nesting in school AC units also and children are breathing this contaminated air. The Delhi metro also has become a favorite nesting spot for this disease carrier pigeons.

We have been writing in our local magazine for the past 2 years and talking with various people and RWAs regarding this problem. We have also complained to SDMC through ‘swacchata app’ several times and they just keep writing ‘work done’ .

We have also complained to PWD through their app and after inspection their reply was that “ this is not our job’ and should be handled by police/MCD!!
( Letter Quoted:
From: Do Not Reply <support@pwddelhi.com>
Date: Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 3:13 PM
Subject: Complaint # 107719 - Reply
To: habitat.times@gmail.com

Dear Anindita
Action is being taken on your complaint # 107719 dated 05/12/2017. Reply is as below:
Reply: This is an enforcement matter to be dealt by Police/MCD. AS some persons are unauthorizedly carrying out commercial activity by selling pigeon feed there. Delhi Police and MCD are only empowered to remove there unauthorized persons/commercial activity from the chowk. As soon as the feed will not be available on chowk the pigeons will fly away from there.
PWD Delhi
Note: Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox does not allow incoming messages & not monitored.)

So, we complained again under the 'encroachment section' of the PWD Sewa app and we got the following reply but no work has started yet.

Feb 10 (10 days ago)
to me 
Dear Habitat Times News

Your complaint # 112641regarding Triangle at Ho chi minh marg near B block CR Park and Nehru Apartments has been ENCROACHED by grain sellers and are selling pigeon feed . Please take ACTION AND REMOVE THEM. at B block , Chittaranjan Park is received.

In case of any concern, please contact at email ‘complaint@pwddelhi.com’ or Toll Free Number 1800110093.

Support Team
PWD, Delhi

Do Not Reply support@pwddelhi.com
Feb 11 (9 days ago)
to me

Dear Habitat Times News

Your complaint # 112641 is assigned to Executive Engineer, EECSER2 (M 442). You can contact him at Sukhdev Vihar, Mathura Road, Below Okhla Flyover, New Delhi - 110025, 26924438.

Support Team
PWD, Delhi

Do Not Reply <support@pwddelhi.com>
Feb 12 (8 days ago)
to me 

Dear Habitat Times News
Action is being taken on your complaint # 112641 dated 10/02/2018. Reply is as below:

Reply: Proposal for remodeling of this triangle has been already in process.


PWD Delhi

We propose the following action by the Authorities:

  • ·      The immediate action proposed is to fence the triangles near CR Park and Kalka Mandir (and other triangles in Delhi too) and plant small trees inside.
  • ·        Then the Government and Health Ministry should put up signboards on all pigeon feeding spots near residential areas saying ‘Do not feed pigeons’ ( ‘Yaha Kabootaro ko dana daalna mana hai’ ).
  • ·        Awareness campaigns should be held in schools, colleges, radio and movie halls. We are trying our best to spread awareness by talking to friends , RWAs and writing in our local magazine.

We have researched extensively and found the following ways to ward off pigeons away from home and air-conditioners :
  • 1.     Hang shiny reflective objects in varendah and near Air conditioners . Old CDs Are very effective reflective surfaces.
  • 2.     Reflective tapes are available online (amazon) and have been found to be very effective to keep away pigeons from air-conditioners ( of course netting the AC unit is desirable)
  • 3.     Spreading bitter powder like neem etc on areas (terraces and balconies) where pigeons land also helps keep them away. When the pigeon lands on the surface the bitter substances enter their mouth by their own feathers and this taste keeps them away.
  • 4.     Spread salt, lime powder etc also too keep their taste buds bitter.
  • 5.     Use ultrasound pigeon deflectors to keep pigeon crowds away from vicinity (available in amazon)
  • 6.     Pigeon spray by name od CERO is also available on amazon and we found it very effective.

Here are some more websites which have highlighted the problem, but it seems that this has fallen on deaf ears.

Our Instagram Pictures

Basant Panchami - the advent of Spring!

 Winter is here and almost gone!! Yes…the advent of spring has been announced with Basant Panchami. The 5th day of Magha month, the penultimate month towards the end of the Hindu calendar year, is celebrated as Saraswati Puja or Basant Panchami. Day long puja and invocation are held to commemorate the day. Goddess Saraswati who is worshipped for knowledge, education, art and music dominates the day. The colour of the day being yellow which signifies spring, children and adults alike, gaily dressed in the designated shade roam around soaking in the festive fervor. Yellow also signifies ripening of the fruits and crops in the coming season.

The weather suddenly turns balmy and pleasant from a chilly winter air – a welcome change for people to slightly alter their wardrobe- discard the heavy woollens for light thermals.
Goddess Saraswati who has her share of invocation on this day only, has been depicted with four hands which represent mind, intellect, alertness and ego. She rides the swan who is known to separate water from milk  -which signifies that one should possess clear knowledge to discriminate between good and evil.

Saraswati Puja is a traditional festival of Bengalis marking the onset of spring and to bless the young ones before their annual examinations. Tiny tots are initiated to the life of education with a special puja called “Haate Khori”. The ritual marks the tots being guided to write letters in Bangla on a slate with a chalk with the priest chanting mantras alongside. Books are kept at the feet of the Goddess in the hope that she would bless the books and the knowledge would pass on to the children!

Afternoons mark a collective lunch of “Bhog” or prasad of Maa Saraswati distributed to all who throng the Puja Pandals. Evenings mark the children performing various art forms to please the goddess and to add on the fun and entertainment quotient. This festival nears the end of the Bengali Puja Calendar.
Watch this space for more on Spring and Surajkund Crafts Mela!


Pigeons Are Dangerous For Our Respiratory Health

Request For Removal Of Encroachment Of Grain Sellers Feeding Pigeons From The Triangle In The Confluence Of CR Park, GK Enclave-1 & Nehru Apartments

·        We the residents of CR Park and neighbouring colonies have been trying for long to seek  help in converting the pigeon triangle on the confluence of 3 colonies namely CR Park, Nehru Apartments and GK Enclave-1 into a Green Triangle as part of the current drive of SDMC to beautify vacant areas below the flyover and at intersections.

·        Inspite of our repeated reminders and requests to alter that area for the benefit of the residents of CR Park, Nehru Enclave and GK Enclave, there has been NO MOVEMENT from the authorities.

·        The situation is so serious, that some residents are now considering selling their houses and moving away from that area, which is not a viable option for everybody living in that area.

·        Is it not in your interest to care about the repercussions of such severe bird infestation on the residents' health!

·        So, we residents have taken up the cudgels and hereby reach to you to resolve this issue. 

·        Alongwith the SDMC BEAUTIFICATION DRIVE cleaning up spaces under flyovers, this Triangle can also be similarly beautified as the earliest possible.

·        Any OTHER MEASURE to beautify the Triangle is also welcome.

·        Please take up this serious cause and resolve this issue asap !!

From The Aggrieved Residents of CR Park, GK1 & 2, GK Enclave-1 & 2, Nehru Apartments, Hemkunt Colony, Pamposh Enclave and Neighbouring Colonies.

Links To Websites For More Information:







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The Misery Of The  Pigeon Triangle Residents of CR Park, have very seriously taken up the cudgels to re – instate a green cover in plac...

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