
Connecting The Community

Save The Habitat, Adopt Sustainable Living


An important yet often overlooked function of architecture and design is to stimulate a specific climatic environment for a given space. This is referred to as a "microclimate," because it differs from the prevailing environment in the general region.

Explains architect Gursimran Kaur of RA Designs, "Creating a microclimate means naturally creating a favourable environment for people with regard to their inner living space: adequate shade, pleasant temperatures, light breezes and
protection from glare." The result is comfortable and wholly natural climatic setting, free from artificial cooling techniques.

Says architect and interior designer Subodh P Dutta, "Architecture isn't about designing in a bubble. When we design, we must keep in mind that our designs are functional as well. Creating a microclimate is one such utilitarian outcome."


Edwin Lutyen, the architect responsible for designing large parts of Delhi, created a microclimate of sorts through his architecture. Delhi is known for its extreme climates of blistering summers and the freezing cold winters. Lutyen's designs created a microclimate that made living spaces comfortable through the year. He used traditional elements like chujjas (projecting cornices) which produced shadows on the architectural landscape, providing respite from the heat. He brought fresh breeze into buildings by opening up spaces to the sky. The use of water fountains and ponds also provided a cooling effect.


As illustrated through Lutyen's design, the main aspect of creating a microclimate involves temperature control. SaysMumbai-based architect Rustom Mehta, "Modern homes are all about airconditioning, but this need not be the case. Creating a microclimate through good architecture can radically reduce the home's artificial cooling needs and energy consumption." This has given rise to the concept of 'energy passive houses'-where architecture negates the need for artificial temperature control.

India's climate is hot and humid. Hence, the challenge lies in maintaining air circulation and keeping the indoors cool. "The most common ways to do this is through high ceilings, long sweeping corridors and placing doors and windows opposite each other, so as to facilitate cross-ventilation," says Dutta. The home's windows must also be aligned to capture the prevailing winds. "Windows placed at 20 to 40 degree angle to prevailing breeze are most effective," he says.

In cold regions, architecture can help ensure your home stays warm despite the plunging mercury. Winter homes should have thicker walls, so as to prevent heat from radiating outwards.

In humid places matting or blinds made of organic matter can be used effectively. "Such organic matter absorbs moisture from the surroundings, thereby decreasing the humidity levels in the room while allowing air circulation," explains Kaur.


The concept of a 'watercooled house' designed by Singaporean firm Wallflower Architecture + Design created waves in 2010. It was built to accommodate a shallow surface pond on its roof, which regulated temperatures and insulated the structure from heat.

Similarly, the presence of water bodies such as shallow ponds, miniature waterfalls and fountains in creating a cooler environment is a known fact. "Pick a water body with a large surface area, so as to ensure maximum contact with the air. Wallstyle fountains are very effective, while fountains where water trickles through a narrow opening will not cool as well," advices Mehta. .


Bringing greenery into your home is another way of creating a comfortable microclimate. "The indoors and the outdoors are blending. We are seeing an extensive use of terraces, balconies, patios and courtyards. They help dissipate heat," shares Dutta. Homes with space constraints can consider using vertical spaces and walls for this purpose.


The land breeze-sea breeze effect is a natural phenomenon that been adopted. "The easiest way to achieve cooling is to drive breezes across surfaces that naturally have different rates of heat retention. Winds move between the cool water body (a pond, fountain or waterfall) and the concrete/ wood surfaces. The result is a delicate breeze that blows through your living space," describes Mehta.

Source: Lifestyle Redefined in The Times of India, Mumbai

Habitat Times Vision & Mission

Habitat Times is a venture focusing on spreading consciousness about a sustainable , future worthy, livable habitat.

We will be focusing on spreading awareness among the Citizens of 'the Habitat', young and old, regarding the following immediate issues .

Environmental degradation
Nature Conservation & Deforestation issues (cutting of green belts)
Land degradation
Land use planning / Land use (includes urban sprawl)
Pollution of Air, Water and Land
Sustainable Architecture
Sustainable Design
Waste Management (landfills, recycling, incineration, various types of waste produced from human endeavors, etc.)
Abandoned Vehicles
Pest Control ( Pigeons etc)
Noise Pollution
Stray Problems

Any other problem regarding the environment and the habitat that we live in, will be showcased on our online magazine and newsletters and we will seek to provide solutions to these problems by acting as a medium between the aggrieved party and the solution providers.

As Art, Culture, Health, Heritage, Travel, Spirituality etc form a part of our living and the habitat , our online magazine will also offer information regarding these topics.

We are also looking for sponsors to support us in this cause as we need to spread the awareness far and wide. Neighbourhood groups with similar interests can partner with us in this venture.

Do explore this site http://habitat-times.blogspot.in/ and subscribe to our newsletter. Also, like our facebook page for getting environment related information, event updates and stories from the Habitat Times. (https://www.facebook.com/habitat.times/ )

Mail to us at Habitat.Times@gmail.com for contributions in form of articles, advertisements or sponsorship.

The Breath Of Life

A Crusader for Health, Empowerment and Happiness, Dr PP Bose

As we enter the plush and uber cool confines of the impressive office cum wellness centre of “Saans”, the super speciality centre of Dr PP Bose, one thought immediately crosses the mind- that anyone who wants to make a difference in society does not need to be a somebody- it’s the thought, the feeling, the passion to serve society that drives a person to give his all- and that’s exactly what Dr Partha Pratim Bose is doing apart from making a far – reaching name in the field of pulmonary, breathing and sleep disorder, therapy and treatment. A proud resident of CR Park, he has grown up seeing the colony transform itself both on the positive and negative sides. He rues that in the mad rush to be tech savvy, we have lost the personal touch with our family, neighbours and friends, and have been gripped in the web of groups, chats, inboxes and virtual walls! He nurtures this intense passion to see a different CR Park, more vibrant, lively, interactive, and most importantly , healthy.  To realize this dream, he has initiated a plethora of wellness and health oriented activities, programs which will surely change the face of the colony’s health.

SAANS – A respiratory, lifestyle and sleep care foundation- it treats all disorders related to breathing such as Allergy, Asthama, Tuberculosis, Sinusitis, Lung Cancer, Stress and Life style disorder, Obesity and Breathing disorders.  The aim of SAANS is to ensure you a relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated life with a healthy body.

SAANS further has several initiatives under its umbrella focusing on several key aspects and gaps in our society and around us.

SAKSHAM Capacity is a capacity building in the health care sector which trains school and college students from the lower economic strata of society to become independent and empowered with healthcare knowledge. They are then placed as health care workers in the health and disaster management industries.

SAMARTH Rehab is a rehabilitation for chronic diseases. Here, after diagnosis, a patient is treated with utmost care and post treatment therapy imparted as well to make way for a healthy life.
SARTHAK Community has a fleet of mobile clinics to have maximum access across the city and treat poor and old people.

SAHAJ Home Care provides 24/7 home care and wellness services for elderly people.
Dr Bose, himself is thoroughly involved in the socio – cultural web in the colony, being executive member of most of the societies and actively participating in all the events round the year. An avid philanthropist, he willingly contributes to all the social causes and effusively encourages any initiatives that catches his attention! A voracious reader and a prolific writer, he regularly writes for several medical journals in India and globally.



The Misery Of The  Pigeon Triangle

Residents of CR Park, have very seriously taken up the cudgels to re – instate a green cover in place of the pigeon triangle.  Having received no support from the politicos of the area, it has now become the responsibility of the residents to rid the colony of the pigeon menace. Adding to the woes of the residents already reeling under the pollution attack of the Delhi air, pigeon poop is adding fuel to the fire by fatally polluting the air even more.

A petition has been drawn up by the residents to be presented to the government authorities who can convert the pigeon triangle into a Green Triangle.

Petition for Removal of Pigeon Triangle on Ho Chi Minh Marg near CR Park, Nehru Enclave and Pamposh Enclave

The residents of CR Park, Nehru Apartments, GK Enclave-1 & 2, Hemkunt Colony, Chirag Enclave & Pamposh Enclave, demand that the triangle infested with pigeons on Ho Chi Minh Marg, be converted into a ‘Green Triangle’ with immediate effect. The triangle has become a breeding ground for hundreds of pigeons. Apart from nesting and breeding in this area, they have infested the homes of the surrounding colonies and have clogged pipes, shafts and other open areas with droppings and nests.  They have also destroyed ACs and other exposed expensive equipment, causing major health and life risks for the residents of this area.

These pigeons are further assisted by blindly superstitious people who come from outside to feed them. As a result, the place has also turned into a burgeoning business for several grain sellers who have set up permanent sitting areas to sell grains to the feeders. Needless to say, these activities are all illegal and are upsetting the environmental aesthetics and contributing to the already existing pollution.

 “The adverse  effects of inhaling pigeon droppings and feathers, as an inhabitant near an area infested by pigeons, are Lung Fibrosis, Interstitial Lung Disease, Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis etc which is irreversible and may ultimately result in a painful death of the patient”, says Dr PP Bose, very senior pulmonologist from CR Park.

Gulshan Chopra and Joginder Pal Singh from GK Enclave -1 met with Jaya Ray, Chitra Sarkar & Bandana Basu to discuss the problem and find a solution. Gurpreet Singh from Hemkunt Colony, Lalit Arora from Pamposh Enclave, Ravi Sareen from Nehru Apartments and Kapila Chopra from Masjid Moth were consulted on phone and they also wanted to get rid of this nuisance and install a green environment friendly patch.

It is extremely necessary to create a green patch on this triangle since pigeons do not breed in green areas. It is also necessary to reduce the size of the triangle so that the green cover can becomes manageable. We request all residents to join our Facebook Group “Do Not Feed The Pigeons” and support this major health issue. We shall be posting about ‘awareness workshops’ regularly in the FB group.

by Anindita Roy & Jaya Ray (Ecohabitat.Times@gmail.com)

Some pictures collected from the internet to spread awareness among people of India:



From The Editor’s Desk

A big ‘Hello’ to one and all ..

Nowadays, sadly technology has made us virtually incommunicado! 

Interactions have been boxed in inboxes, virtual groups and webpages!  Face to face interaction, writing to each other or the ubiquitous   “adda” is relegated to the dreamy history . The beauty of such stimulants have now become bedtime stories for our children!  Talking about children, they are the easiest prey to the intrusive technology addiction. So much so that. Stepping out of the house to play, meet friends or simply going to the market to pick some grocery is a thing of the past – something which this generation find it difficult to identify with!

We cannot turn back the clock but can surely engage in equally stimulating, regenerating interactions which give us food for thought, help us improve our health and environment and give the next generations a beautiful, clean and green colony to live in!

 It gives us great pleasure, privilege and honour to present to you our very own news magazine – Habitat Times. This newsletter will be a platform for people to interact, communicate and share everything about our colony and how we can make it a better place to stay!!

Our first issue will begin our journey together with a health oriented focus.  Habitat times would soon be launching the following programs to make our interactions more stimulating, enjoyable and beneficial.

1. Raahgiri Sundays
2. Gardening & Landscaping Workshops
3. Free Health camp  
4. Expert Speak Programs

The other important aspect will be to involve the younger population  to come out and inculcate the feeling of belonging towards the colony. That’s how the future of the colony will be in safe hands.

I am sure, our journey together will be an invigorating, engaging and enjoyable one!
Looking forward to a revival of great times again!

Events & Activities:


Events – Skating, Cycling, Yoga, Dancing, Music with live instruments, Healthcare camp. Participants can register through facebook, whatsapp.

Gardening and Landscaping Workshops

A Gardening and Landscaping workshop will be organized with free talk sessions for anyone interested to know about different plants, trees and saplings and how and where to source them from.

Expert Speak

South Delhi boasts of a significant coterie of luminous personalities as residents, representing diverse industry, academic and experiential backgrounds. Habitat Times will proudly present such luminaries in Talk shows every month.



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The Misery Of The  Pigeon Triangle Residents of CR Park, have very seriously taken up the cudgels to re – instate a green cover in plac...

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