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Organic Sarees For The Saree Lovers

Life has taken a decisive turn towards everything organic today- so why should sarees be left behind? Yes, the organic saree has captured the discerning saree lover and wearer globally. A revolution of sorts is fast taking over the global Indian woman.

What is the difference between an Organic Saree and an Inorganic Saree? 

Lets define organic first- Anything that is made through the natural process without using any chemicals, pesticides or any artificial component is called organic.

Hence, an organic saree is a saree that is made using natural raw materials and dyes. These dyes and raw materials are grown using organic production methods and which have a low impact on environment without the use of toxic pesticides or synthetic fertilizers! As a result the saree is 100% naturally woven without any harm done to the environment or to the wearer.

The organic saree is fast becoming a great production option being adopted by weavers. Weavers are being encouraged by designers as well as wearers to churn out more natural fabrics and sarees. Albeit, a tad expensive, these sarees project a different look altogether from their chemically produced cousins. The fabrics also do not cause any skin irritation ang give off a very sophisticated, elegant and stylish look to the wearer!

Organic sarees have garnered a huge international market apart from taking the Indian market by storm. Handloom institutions such as Co- Optex have been holding regular exhibition cum sale events across the country to promote the organic saree as well as encourage more and more weavers to switch to organic weaving.

A wide range from fabrics ranging from cotton, to tussar to silk, this plethora of unique fabrics is a pleasant sight to the eye due to their sombre and earthy toned colours that juxtapose so beautifully with the myriad patterns and designs of the well -made sarees.

This passion of keeping alive the grand old tradition of weaving sarees in the authentic hand - weaving machines, has been upheld by several entrepreneurs who are leaving no stone unturned to revive and continue this precious Indian art.

Another step towards environment and art consciousness! Amen!

Habitat Times is a venture focusing on spreading consciousness about a sustainable , future worthy, livable habitat. Connect with us at EcoHabitat.Times@gmail.com

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Today , 20th March Is World Sparrow Day ..Where Have The Sparrows Gone?

House Sparrow, The State Bird Of Delhi, Has Been Driven Away By Pigeons ?

Has anyone seen a sparrow of late? I have not! And I am not surprised !! 

Our homes and the surrounding environment are infested with rock pigeons! Pigeon feeding is the latest fad which apparently wards off all evils and failures from our lives! How incredulous can we be! Where have our common sense and education gone? Are we now supposed to feed pigeons to make or break our careers and education? No marks are given to efforts or hard work – all credits go to the rock pigeons! Should I laugh or cry or get angry? I am going through all the three emotions now thinking, is this how progressive society functions!

Anyway, coming back to the sparrow- the whole infestation of pigeons has driven the demure, chirpy and cute sparrow away from the neighbourhood and our houses. We had studied in our childhood that sparrows live in the houses- on the balconies, roofs, cornices, hence are called house sparrows. However, I suppose the term has changed or has become extinct since it is no longer used. So, are we a witness to another species going extinct? If so, then it is very sad.

I fondly remember the sparrow coming and sitting on the window sill of my bedroom when I used to study with the window open. The high-pitched chirping would take my attention away from my books and I would look up to see how exactly the sparrow would chirp. I would slowly inch closer to it, in a vain attempt to catch it – but as always it would be faster than me and would immediately fly away as soon as I would reach the window. I would try and look into the trees to find out the sparrow's nest, but alas, could never see it! My wish to make it my pet, always remained a wish!

Summer holidays would mean waking up to the incessant chirping of the sparrows sitting on the big lemon tree in the garden overlooking my bedroom. I would get angry at the birds then – why did they wake me up so soon! I could have slept some more! Waking up would mean going back to morning study, which I would hate – that too in summer holidays! How insensitive can teachers be! I would have preferred chasing the sparrows in my garden, befriending them and bringing them into my room secretly, without my mother knowing what I brought in!

But now, my ears crave to listen to the pleasant chirpings which do not seem audible any more! My son has never seen a sparrow. I tell him stories about our childhood and show him pictures of what a sparrow looked like. He looks at the photos and tells me that these birds look very cute..and listens to my stories with amazement. His generation has never chased birds in the garden - it doesnt know the simple pleasures of seeing a bird stting on the window sill and observing its mannerisms, the swift as lightening movements and quick pecking of food from the grounds.

But I still hope against hope that the sparrow will not die such an early death and will be around for some more time. I still hope I will be able to sight it sometime…and hear the chirp once…before it leaves the face of the earth.

I sincerely hope that, the Delhi Government would take some measures to save its ‘State Bird’ from extinction!!

By Jaya Ray (rayjaya72@gmail.com) 9871718921


Exam time- the time to put to test – knowledge, resilience, patience and perseverance

So..that time of the year is here…frenzied preparations, frayed nerves and fervent prayers! Exam time- the time to put to test – knowledge, resilience, patience and perseverance. Parents and students are up upon themselves to gear up for the most critical time of the year. This year marks the revival of 10th Board exams after 10 years of semester based study and exams.  To ensure a stress free exam time, let us encourage all parents and students to do the following:
1.      Meditate for 5 minutes any time of the day. Locate a soothing sound and focus on that sound for 5 minutes with eyes closed. This simple exercise will help improve concentration power and focusing abilities.
2.      Think positively and do positive discussions with the students. Avoid negative and degrading comments.
3.      Have home cooked and light food to enable good digestion. Avoid outside and oily food. A healthy body will help activate the healthy hormones and required to activate the brain cells.
4.      Exercise a little bit everyday to ensure sufficient oxygen good blood circulation to have enough energy for the study times.
5.      Indulge in your hobbies and interests for a while everyday to feel refreshed and rejuvenated to continue with your studies with renewed concentration.
6.     Talk positive and maintain a healthy discussion and environment in the house- avoid negativity, pessimism and discouragement like the plague!!

Happy Examinations!!

Clean Air For Delhi

“Clean air for Delhi campaign to be re-launched and  developed into a peoples’ movement across the country”, said Dr. Harsh Vardhan.

Minister seeks NGO's help to make 'do good deeds' campaign a success.

After the success of the just concluded  ‘Clean Air for Delhi’ campaign , Union Ministry of Science and Technology plans to relaunch it in Delhi . The program was jointly launched with Delhi government to find a permanent solution to the problem of pollution in Delhi and the National Capital Region.

“The continuous efforts will be made to develop the Clean Air for Delhi Campaign into a peoples’ movement across the National Capital Region (NCR ) and  country,”said  Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Dr. Harsh Vardhan while inaugurating a Two day ‘Food and Nutrition show’ orgnaised by All India Kitchen Garden Association (AIKGA) on 24th & 25th February.

“This “Clean Air For Delhi ‘will be relaunched in Delhi and Campaign will be replicated in about 100 non-attainment cities and  efforts will be made  were made during the Campaign to raise the levels of public awareness through radio and other communication tools. “Dr Vardhan said.

"Ministry has also launched 'Do Green Goods Campaign' to save environment and generate awareness among public. a Dr Harsh Vardhan app has also been launched for joining people for the campaign. New Delhi will also host the World Environment day on June 5 to the world leaders" he said  

He also urged people to grow more trees and plants and lauded work being done by ALL India Kitchen Garden Association  

" More than 12,000 varieties plants, vegetables and fruits spread in 21 sections including landscaping, pots and containers, ornamental plants, trey gardens , bottle gardens, cut fruits, vegetables and flower arrangements  are on display during the two day show. There are also be herbal plants, roses, hanging plants and potted plants on display" said Mrs Bella Gupta, Secretary, All India Kitchen Garden Association (AIKGA) .

“ The main theme of the show this year is ‘ The  Kitchen Garden’ as several factors are involved in planting a vegetable garden. As much work goes into planning as it does into the actual growing of the vegetables. Choosing a spot, preparing your soil, and deciding on which vegetables all have to happen prior to the actual process of planting.” these all parts will be taught and displayed for visitors” said Ms Gupta.



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