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Basant Panchami - the advent of Spring!

 Winter is here and almost gone!! Yes…the advent of spring has been announced with Basant Panchami. The 5th day of Magha month, the penultimate month towards the end of the Hindu calendar year, is celebrated as Saraswati Puja or Basant Panchami. Day long puja and invocation are held to commemorate the day. Goddess Saraswati who is worshipped for knowledge, education, art and music dominates the day. The colour of the day being yellow which signifies spring, children and adults alike, gaily dressed in the designated shade roam around soaking in the festive fervor. Yellow also signifies ripening of the fruits and crops in the coming season.

The weather suddenly turns balmy and pleasant from a chilly winter air – a welcome change for people to slightly alter their wardrobe- discard the heavy woollens for light thermals.
Goddess Saraswati who has her share of invocation on this day only, has been depicted with four hands which represent mind, intellect, alertness and ego. She rides the swan who is known to separate water from milk  -which signifies that one should possess clear knowledge to discriminate between good and evil.

Saraswati Puja is a traditional festival of Bengalis marking the onset of spring and to bless the young ones before their annual examinations. Tiny tots are initiated to the life of education with a special puja called “Haate Khori”. The ritual marks the tots being guided to write letters in Bangla on a slate with a chalk with the priest chanting mantras alongside. Books are kept at the feet of the Goddess in the hope that she would bless the books and the knowledge would pass on to the children!

Afternoons mark a collective lunch of “Bhog” or prasad of Maa Saraswati distributed to all who throng the Puja Pandals. Evenings mark the children performing various art forms to please the goddess and to add on the fun and entertainment quotient. This festival nears the end of the Bengali Puja Calendar.
Watch this space for more on Spring and Surajkund Crafts Mela!


New Hope for Cancer Patients

World Famous LANEX-DC® Immunotherapy, now in India
Immunotherapy with dendritic cells is a combination therapy that helps body’s own defences fight cancer cells introduced by LDG India in Country

One of the most innovative and advanced cancer treatments, Immunotherapy with dendritic cells infuses a new ray of hope for the cancer patients in India​.

Countless research and treatment facilities worldwide have increasingly turned towards this dendritic cell therapy; many modern nations like USA have well accepted and approved this treatment.

India is not far behind as this treatment has already been in use for a while. And now with more advancement where the treatment will be done in one cycle will be provided byGermany based doctor “Dr. Frank Gansauge” in India.

Treatment with dendtritic cells is often used when conventional therapies have not been successful. This treatment has been recently introduced in India and many patients have been cured with encouraging results under the supervision of renowned Oncologist.
For most types of cancer, however, there exist standard treatments which have been developed over decades. It is recommended to make use of these treatments and supplement them with immune therapy, since it is known that tumour cells damaged by chemotherapy or radiation are much easier to destroy with immune cells than undamaged tumour cells.

In India LDG India has initiated this medical facility in collaboration with the renowned Germany based laboratory “Dr. Gansuage”.

“We are proud of the medical advancements and with Immunotherapy cancer patients are surely going to benefit as this treatment has largely proven its effectiveness worldwide.” says Mr. Tapesh Singhal, Director, LDG INDIA who has taken the baton forward to introduce this medical facility in India and Indian Subcontinents (except China).

At present Cancer is taking thousands of lives every year worldwide including India. About one hundred different types of cancer are known in humans, and all are different from one another such as the average age at which they appear, the growth rate and the tendency to metastasize. Therefore, it is rather questionable whether a single main cause for the development of cancer will ever be identified.

Scientists working on immunotherapy have basically taken a diverse route by tricking the body’s own defences into combating the rival cancer within. For centuries, this has been an aspiration of medical scientist which has become a reality.

The effectiveness of a treatment with dendritic cells could be proven in the case of skin, kidney, breast, pancreatic, colon, ovarian and prostate cancer, and other cancers.


   The facility provides a special type of vaccination, required to treat any type of cancer (except-blood cancer), at any stage.
   A unique vaccination is made from patient’s blood and infused in the body which boost their immunity and help in curing the disease naturally.
   LDG India provides the cancer treatment through only 1 dendritic cell rich dose which takes a total of one week to process.

   A patient can take the vaccination while taking chemotherapy, it will averse the side effects and help a patient live a routine life.

Disclaimer : The above information has been provided by LDG India for publication for information purpose only. Habitat Times does not endorse the treatment and requests readers to do their own research regarding the effectiveness and safety of the offered treatment . 


Clean India Show At Mumbai

15th Edition of Clean India Show To Kick-start In Mumbai On January 18, 2018

Asia’s largest event on professional cleaning, Clean India Show along with Waste Technology Expo, Laundrex India Expo and Car Care expo, to be inaugurated by Dr Ranjit Patil, Minister of State, Home (Urban), Urban Development, Government Of Maharashtra

Dr Deepak Sawant, Minister For Public Health & Family Welfare, Government of Maharashtra To Inaugurate Conference On Infection Control & Hospital Hygiene on January 19

Mumbai: Asia’s biggest show on cleanliness, the international edition of Clean India Show, featuring the latest cleaning techniques and technologies from the world will be inaugurated by Dr Ranjit Patil, Hon’ble Minister of State, Home (Urban), Urban Development, Government of Maharashtra on January 18 in Mumbai. Around 200 national and International companies will showcase the latest technologies and solutions for cleaning and hygiene, Sanitation, Facility Management, Waste Management & Recycling, Vehicle Care and Linen at the Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon from Jan 18 to Jan 20, under one roof.

The inaugural day will feature sessions on technologies for solid waste management and reuse and recycling of sewage and industrial waste water treatment, among other topics. Vinod Kumar Jindal, Joint Secretary and mission Director, SBM, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs will make a special address at this session.

“Waste to energy technology is an essential aspect of Solid Waste Management. It is all the more pertinent in a country like India where the metro cities produce nearly 2 lakh tons MSW per day. While we are using our energies to dispose of this waste, developed nations are converting waste into energy and profiting from it. We have brought together some of the best minds in the world who will share their knowledge on best practices in waste management,” says Mangala Chandran, Director, VIS Group.

The second day will host the first ever show on infection control and hospital hygiene in India. Inaugurated by Dr Deepak Ramchandra Sawant, Hon’ble Minister for Public Health & Family Welfare, Government of Maharashtra the programme will see the participation of several leaders from the fraternity. “It will also witness the launch of India’s first WhatsApp group formed by microbiologists and infection control officials from over 400 hospitals in India. A landmark development, the WhatsApp group will facilitate free flow of information and real time updates on hospital hygiene,” says Jayaraman Nair, Chairman, VIS Group.

The third and concluding day, Jan 20 will host dedicated conferences on Facility Management and Laundry, dry cleaning and textile care.

“With more than ten thousand trade visitors, buyers, technology seekers, start-ups and international companies converging at the exhibition, this will be one of the largest of its kind shows,” adds Mangala Chandran. More than twenty seven industrial segments, corporate houses, malls, multiplexes, educational institutions, railways, airports, State Transport Authorities, Municipal Corporations, and Defence and Naval Departments are expected to visit the show to source the latest solutions that will be on display from across the world.

Inputs sent by 

Harshala Nayak                                                                                                     Kiran Rao
Media Manager                                                                                                     Account Manager
Spin Communiqué                                                                                                Spin Communiqué
Tel: 09619700161                                                                                                 Tel: 09619700164
Email: harshalan@spincommunique.com                                                     kiran@spincommunique.com

Mumbai                                                                                                                  Mumbai


Connecting The Habitat

Dear Friend,

We have traversed quite a long distance in this short period of 6 months and we have gained a solid foothold in the environment and habitat conservation space.

Our endeavours are slowly showing results and encouraged by them, we have gained the courage to push forward with new zeal and enthusiasm.

Our interactive website has been able to garner a large relevant audience in South Delhi , apart from reaching out to the entire Delhi and national audience as well. International audience are also taking a keen interest in our initiatives.

Our endeavors are teamed up with a vision to improve our immediate surroundings and  make our Habitat habitable and sustainable through responsible living.

We are always eager to partner with new and exciting ideas - which could lead to collaborative success and in the process enriching our lives and surroundings with qualitative living through responsible and co habitable means.

We, therefore invite you to share our platform's reach, so that the awareness spreads to many more discerning people who also want to lead a better life.

As part of the initiative, to make it sustainable, we have introduced several business models in it, which we would be delighted to share and discuss with you all!

Please visit the following links to understand more about our bespoke advertising solutions to amplify your media and marketing campaigns.

Looking forward to your participation, cooperation, enthusiasm and support to augment such a noble cause.

Lets leave a better planet for our future generation!

Thank you very much!

With Best Wishes
EcoHabitat Team


Pigeons Are Dangerous For Our Respiratory Health

Request For Removal Of Encroachment Of Grain Sellers Feeding Pigeons From The Triangle In The Confluence Of CR Park, GK Enclave-1 & Nehru Apartments

·        We the residents of CR Park and neighbouring colonies have been trying for long to seek  help in converting the pigeon triangle on the confluence of 3 colonies namely CR Park, Nehru Apartments and GK Enclave-1 into a Green Triangle as part of the current drive of SDMC to beautify vacant areas below the flyover and at intersections.

·        Inspite of our repeated reminders and requests to alter that area for the benefit of the residents of CR Park, Nehru Enclave and GK Enclave, there has been NO MOVEMENT from the authorities.

·        The situation is so serious, that some residents are now considering selling their houses and moving away from that area, which is not a viable option for everybody living in that area.

·        Is it not in your interest to care about the repercussions of such severe bird infestation on the residents' health!

·        So, we residents have taken up the cudgels and hereby reach to you to resolve this issue. 

·        Alongwith the SDMC BEAUTIFICATION DRIVE cleaning up spaces under flyovers, this Triangle can also be similarly beautified as the earliest possible.

·        Any OTHER MEASURE to beautify the Triangle is also welcome.

·        Please take up this serious cause and resolve this issue asap !!

From The Aggrieved Residents of CR Park, GK1 & 2, GK Enclave-1 & 2, Nehru Apartments, Hemkunt Colony, Pamposh Enclave and Neighbouring Colonies.

Links To Websites For More Information:






Steaming Up Your Winter With Soups

Suitable for every age group, easy to make, helps you recover fast from illness, helps you lose your weight, helps you remain healthy, you name it….and soups can do it all.

Winter has set in and you try to find ways to keep you not only warm, but also healthy. During winter our immune system slows down a bit and we tend to fall sick. We are exposed to many infections that cause sickness. One needs to take care of one’s health. It is a time when we want to eat so many things, isn’t it!  Spicy stuff, hot snacks, fried junks, loads of savories and sweets. Name them and you want to have them all.

Of course you should not avoid them but, you should know to balance your meals.

Here comes Soups to your rescue.
·         helps us to neutralize our system
·         help us to flush away unwanted toxins from out body
·         gets easily absorbed by our body
·         provides us  with the needed vitamins and minerals
·         adds colour to our life
·         are very filling and refreshing and keeps you going for hours without getting tired
·         and last but not the least, they are easy to prepare.

Generally Soups are considered boring and tasteless. Actually it is not true. At least I don’t think so. Have faith, spicing up your soup is not at all difficult. Use all sorts of herbs and spices, use healthy oil, use lentils and grains to thicken them and give them a certain consistency. If you like it plain and simple you can do that as well. You are the creator and you can play with as many things as you can.

Bidisha Som (http://platterfulloflife.com/)

Do check up my heart warming recipes here ...


Making A Tray Garden

Transform a large tray and a collection of small-scale plants into an enchanted landscape.... From the teeny-tiny glass house to itty-bitty tools and thimble-size pots, the design works as a study in detail.

Set it on a sturdy plant stand or in the middle of a dining table for a captivating scene. Make a similar landscape in a smaller tray to fit a windowsill or shelf.
Tray Created by Seema Talreja ( Resident of South Ex , C 19), New Delhi

Materials Required & Directions:
1. Get a suitable tray ( with holes at the bottom) for your 'Tray Garden'. The tray should be preferably made of terracotta or any earth material . However, other trays can also be used .

2. For decoration purpose we need miniature fountain, fencing, benches, garden tools, and pots etc.

3. All plants to be used in the tray garden should be of same nature, eg all succulents, all cactus or all water plants etc to be used. Also, plants which do not grow very fast should be used so as to keep the garden from growing out of bounds. Regular trimming may be required in case of rapid growth.

Some plants which can be used are Fycus varigated, Mondu grass, Syngonium miniature, Hamelia miniature, Golden Duranta, Asparagus, Baby tears, Jade, Lavender etc.

4. Soil Mix should not be much healthy so that plants do not grow much taller. To make the soil mixture we will need - 2 part solarized garden soil, cleaned , non infected (Can microwave or give the soil hot water treatment) and filtered (to remove hard elements), 1 part rotten cow dung manure, 1part leaf mould, 1 spoon bonemeal and 1 spoon neemkhali (bark of neem tree)  and small pieces of brick or pots.

5. Close tray holes with brick or broken pot pieces. Place in concave manner.

7. Place a layer of soil around 2 inch thick covering the tray fully.

8. Take out each plant from the nursery soil and clean completely and then put in the tray soil. To add plants, begin with the largest specimens and fill in with alpines and ground covers. When planting, gently loosen root balls and shake loose extraneous soil, if necessary, to tuck the roots into the potting mix. Leave room for pathways and your selection of miniature features, such as a glass house, fountain, and other accessories.

9. Add more soil mix to cover roots.

10. Add a top layer of small stones to cover soil mix completely.

11. Add the decorations as per your choice. However, too many and varied decorations may spoil the look of the tray garden. Our aim is to highlight the plants and not the decorative accessories. The accessories should just be enough to add an element of interest to the landscape.

12. With the plants and furnishings in place, sprinkle aquarium gravel over any exposed potting mix to prevent erosion.

13.Water thoroughly after planting; thereafter, water only when the potting mix feels dry.

14.To prevent damage to furniture, place the container on a waterproof tray before setting it on your plant stand or table.

by Dr Anindita Roy with inputs from Anu Lamba, AIKGA Unit 7A



Shapno Ekhon, A Creative Platform

Shopno Ekhon, a promising theatre group based out of CR Park, has been making waves from the time it was born. It has delved into very pertinent social issues that are currently punctuating the progress of society and presenting them in myriad frames which stir the consciousness of the individual.

The most recent display of its immense talent was visible in the just concluded Theatre Festival in  B C Pal Auditorium, the very own cultural hub of CR Park.  The subject was forest conservation and creation of green belt to counter pollution.  

The concept was presented in a most unique manner, where the protagonist was shown having a love affair with the tree. She was so besotted with ‘Ranjan” the tree, that she undergoes traumatic time, when it was cut down.  

The love affair with the tree was the hallmark of the short play and the whole story was presented in a monologue.  A riveting performance by the protagonist through the entire 30 minutes captured the attention of the house full audience. 

The play ended on a positive note with 10 girls coming on to the stage from the audience end,  singing and dancing to Rabindra Nath Tagore’s springtime song.

Keep up the good work Shopno Ekhon!

by Jaya Ray (ray.jaya72@gmail.com)


Shapno Ekhon is a creative platform in Delhi engaged in promotion and practice of performing arts especially theater among the younger generation. We aim to create a band of theater workers for the future while engaging in good theater in the present.

Founded in 2009


To practice and promote various forms of performing arts especially theater.

More Information 

Call 098732 24365

Email : shapnoekhon1@gmail.com



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The Misery Of The  Pigeon Triangle Residents of CR Park, have very seriously taken up the cudgels to re – instate a green cover in plac...

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