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Pigeons Are Dangerous For Our Respiratory Health

Request For Removal Of Encroachment Of Grain Sellers Feeding Pigeons From The Triangle In The Confluence Of CR Park, GK Enclave-1 & Nehru Apartments

·        We the residents of CR Park and neighbouring colonies have been trying for long to seek  help in converting the pigeon triangle on the confluence of 3 colonies namely CR Park, Nehru Apartments and GK Enclave-1 into a Green Triangle as part of the current drive of SDMC to beautify vacant areas below the flyover and at intersections.

·        Inspite of our repeated reminders and requests to alter that area for the benefit of the residents of CR Park, Nehru Enclave and GK Enclave, there has been NO MOVEMENT from the authorities.

·        The situation is so serious, that some residents are now considering selling their houses and moving away from that area, which is not a viable option for everybody living in that area.

·        Is it not in your interest to care about the repercussions of such severe bird infestation on the residents' health!

·        So, we residents have taken up the cudgels and hereby reach to you to resolve this issue. 

·        Alongwith the SDMC BEAUTIFICATION DRIVE cleaning up spaces under flyovers, this Triangle can also be similarly beautified as the earliest possible.

·        Any OTHER MEASURE to beautify the Triangle is also welcome.

·        Please take up this serious cause and resolve this issue asap !!

From The Aggrieved Residents of CR Park, GK1 & 2, GK Enclave-1 & 2, Nehru Apartments, Hemkunt Colony, Pamposh Enclave and Neighbouring Colonies.

Links To Websites For More Information:






Steaming Up Your Winter With Soups

Suitable for every age group, easy to make, helps you recover fast from illness, helps you lose your weight, helps you remain healthy, you name it….and soups can do it all.

Winter has set in and you try to find ways to keep you not only warm, but also healthy. During winter our immune system slows down a bit and we tend to fall sick. We are exposed to many infections that cause sickness. One needs to take care of one’s health. It is a time when we want to eat so many things, isn’t it!  Spicy stuff, hot snacks, fried junks, loads of savories and sweets. Name them and you want to have them all.

Of course you should not avoid them but, you should know to balance your meals.

Here comes Soups to your rescue.
·         helps us to neutralize our system
·         help us to flush away unwanted toxins from out body
·         gets easily absorbed by our body
·         provides us  with the needed vitamins and minerals
·         adds colour to our life
·         are very filling and refreshing and keeps you going for hours without getting tired
·         and last but not the least, they are easy to prepare.

Generally Soups are considered boring and tasteless. Actually it is not true. At least I don’t think so. Have faith, spicing up your soup is not at all difficult. Use all sorts of herbs and spices, use healthy oil, use lentils and grains to thicken them and give them a certain consistency. If you like it plain and simple you can do that as well. You are the creator and you can play with as many things as you can.

Bidisha Som (http://platterfulloflife.com/)

Do check up my heart warming recipes here ...


Making A Tray Garden

Transform a large tray and a collection of small-scale plants into an enchanted landscape.... From the teeny-tiny glass house to itty-bitty tools and thimble-size pots, the design works as a study in detail.

Set it on a sturdy plant stand or in the middle of a dining table for a captivating scene. Make a similar landscape in a smaller tray to fit a windowsill or shelf.
Tray Created by Seema Talreja ( Resident of South Ex , C 19), New Delhi

Materials Required & Directions:
1. Get a suitable tray ( with holes at the bottom) for your 'Tray Garden'. The tray should be preferably made of terracotta or any earth material . However, other trays can also be used .

2. For decoration purpose we need miniature fountain, fencing, benches, garden tools, and pots etc.

3. All plants to be used in the tray garden should be of same nature, eg all succulents, all cactus or all water plants etc to be used. Also, plants which do not grow very fast should be used so as to keep the garden from growing out of bounds. Regular trimming may be required in case of rapid growth.

Some plants which can be used are Fycus varigated, Mondu grass, Syngonium miniature, Hamelia miniature, Golden Duranta, Asparagus, Baby tears, Jade, Lavender etc.

4. Soil Mix should not be much healthy so that plants do not grow much taller. To make the soil mixture we will need - 2 part solarized garden soil, cleaned , non infected (Can microwave or give the soil hot water treatment) and filtered (to remove hard elements), 1 part rotten cow dung manure, 1part leaf mould, 1 spoon bonemeal and 1 spoon neemkhali (bark of neem tree)  and small pieces of brick or pots.

5. Close tray holes with brick or broken pot pieces. Place in concave manner.

7. Place a layer of soil around 2 inch thick covering the tray fully.

8. Take out each plant from the nursery soil and clean completely and then put in the tray soil. To add plants, begin with the largest specimens and fill in with alpines and ground covers. When planting, gently loosen root balls and shake loose extraneous soil, if necessary, to tuck the roots into the potting mix. Leave room for pathways and your selection of miniature features, such as a glass house, fountain, and other accessories.

9. Add more soil mix to cover roots.

10. Add a top layer of small stones to cover soil mix completely.

11. Add the decorations as per your choice. However, too many and varied decorations may spoil the look of the tray garden. Our aim is to highlight the plants and not the decorative accessories. The accessories should just be enough to add an element of interest to the landscape.

12. With the plants and furnishings in place, sprinkle aquarium gravel over any exposed potting mix to prevent erosion.

13.Water thoroughly after planting; thereafter, water only when the potting mix feels dry.

14.To prevent damage to furniture, place the container on a waterproof tray before setting it on your plant stand or table.

by Dr Anindita Roy with inputs from Anu Lamba, AIKGA Unit 7A



Shapno Ekhon, A Creative Platform

Shopno Ekhon, a promising theatre group based out of CR Park, has been making waves from the time it was born. It has delved into very pertinent social issues that are currently punctuating the progress of society and presenting them in myriad frames which stir the consciousness of the individual.

The most recent display of its immense talent was visible in the just concluded Theatre Festival in  B C Pal Auditorium, the very own cultural hub of CR Park.  The subject was forest conservation and creation of green belt to counter pollution.  

The concept was presented in a most unique manner, where the protagonist was shown having a love affair with the tree. She was so besotted with ‘Ranjan” the tree, that she undergoes traumatic time, when it was cut down.  

The love affair with the tree was the hallmark of the short play and the whole story was presented in a monologue.  A riveting performance by the protagonist through the entire 30 minutes captured the attention of the house full audience. 

The play ended on a positive note with 10 girls coming on to the stage from the audience end,  singing and dancing to Rabindra Nath Tagore’s springtime song.

Keep up the good work Shopno Ekhon!

by Jaya Ray (ray.jaya72@gmail.com)


Shapno Ekhon is a creative platform in Delhi engaged in promotion and practice of performing arts especially theater among the younger generation. We aim to create a band of theater workers for the future while engaging in good theater in the present.

Founded in 2009


To practice and promote various forms of performing arts especially theater.

More Information 

Call 098732 24365

Email : shapnoekhon1@gmail.com


Emotional Quotient Of A Design

How Designers Can Succeed By Creating Emotional Connections With Their Users Through Their Products.
Institute Of Creative Sciences
Entrance Preparation Classes For B.Arch (NATA/JEE2)    And  B.Des ( UCEED/ NID/ NIFT/ CEPT / MSU etc)
All designers, whether they are Architects, Product Designers, Interior Designers or Fashion Designers develop aspects of their product that create emotional connections with the user. They integrate all aspects of form, fit and function, enhancing them to create the best possible consumer experience. They also create visually appealing designs that can stand the test of time and ensure that the product is ergonomically suited to fit the user.
How successfully they are able to do this can often determine the success of a product in the market. Designers face a number of challenges, as manufacturers face more competition and faster development cycles than ever before. Alongside this, usesr are becoming ever more sensitive as global competition continues to be on the upward route.

In order to deliver innovative designs that are functional, manufacturable and affordable, it is critical that designers work with and satisfy the needs of all of the major stakeholders across the product lifecycle, including executive management, marketing, engineering and manufacturing. A designer also has to be able to offer a lot of options and flexibility, working closely with the engineers to determine how to manage costs through the use of different manufacturing techniques, materials or functions.

To achieve this, design and styling needs to be performed early in the product development process. It must be able to accommodate frequent change, as new opportunities and new requirements arise.

Visualisation tools like CAD Software help designers evaluate and make decisions on which materials are best to use and how the product will look. Project Management Software is also very helpful to Designers to assess the Time management part of developing and delivering a finished product.

There is an ever increasing need to deliver the right product to the market the first time. In order to achieve this, Designers and manufacturers need better relationship across product disciplines. They need ways to work across geographies, through faster design iterations as well as capture and reuse product knowledge earlier in the design process. In this way they can achieve perfect culmination of form, fit and function working together and design the perfect product.

At Institute Of Creative Sciences, we motivate our young aspiring designers to start thinking early in the lines of Emotional Connections of ‘The Design, The Designer, The Product and The End-user’.
Please do Visit Us At
Institute Of Creative Sciences
Entrance Preparation Classes For B.Arch (NATA/JEE2)    And  B.Des ( UCEED/ NID/ NIFT/ CEPT / MSU etc)


Organic Products- A Journey To A Healthy You

Get Ready To Taste, Feel And Eat Your Fill Of Organic Treats!

An exciting talk show on “Organic Products- A Journey To A Healthy You”, accompanied by crunchy cookies, mouth-watering organic snacks with steaming cups of Organic tea, EcoHabitat Times Club invites you to be a part of the Organic Revolution in India on 28th November, 2017 (Tuesday), 5pm-7pm At H 1482, 1st Floor, CR Park, New Delhi.

Limited seats available; Participation fee: INR 100/-

Please confirm your participation by Sunday 26th, as we have to make the arrangements.

Life Time 10% discount on Organic Groceries from Kaberi’s Nest for Eco-Habitat Club Members.

Image result for organica organic tea

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  1. Our small business webpage designers build a professional webpage that represents your business in the best possible way.
  2. Monthly marketing gets your business found where your customers are searching for your business.
  3. Smartphone capable Webpage helps you reach a wide audience range.
What you need to give us:
  1. Detailed information about your product or service.
  2. Pictures of your product or service
Examples of Simple Webpages

Institute Of Creative Sciences

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Winterize Your Immune System

...So…has your preparation for the winters started? I am pretty sure that most of you have tucked away your summer wears in the closet to make place for winter clothes like sweaters, mufflers, jackets etc. You must have also put aside the coolers and taken out your room heaters, blowers etc. but…… wait a minute!!! ….a big question is raising its head …HAVE YOU WINTERISED YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM??? I mean to say my dears, that have you prepared your immune system to fight and prevent the cold and flu likely to attack you with the onset of winters . It is actually the immune system in our body which maintains a barrier between us and our environment. To put it in simple words, it is the defense mechanism of the body which ensures that we do not fall ill. It defends our body against attacks by foreign invaders such as virus, bacteria, fungus , parasites  etc.

So friends …. get ready to winterize your immune system with these simple guidelines mentioned below and strengthen your immune response.

1. What  you should eat -
If you feel unwell eat food light on stomach such as soup and steamed vegetables. Plenty of fresh vegetables are available to prepare soups during winters. You should also add ginger, garlic and onion to your soups. Berries and citrus fruits is a must as they contain vitamin C.

Peanuts , roasted pumpkin seeds ,wheat germ and whole grains strengthen immune system .

Have plenty of Vitamin A rich foods like liver, spinach, carrot, potato etc. Fresh and leafy vegetables should be used as much as possible.

Proteins also boost the immune system. So fish, lean meat, eggs , chicken should find a proper place in your kitchen , not to forget the beans and legumes and nuts which are also a rich source of proteins.

2. What you should not eat –
Eliminate food that weakens your immune system and causes mucus during winters. 

Stop refined sugar, dairy products and any such food which you are allergic to. Red meat should be avoided as much as possible. Cut back on fried foods and also processed foods as they are dangerous to immune health.

Avoid caffeine because it depletes your body of zinc which is necessary for healing.

3. Stay hydrated- 
Remember that the flu season is in and hence you have to take precautions. Keep yourself well hydrated with warm water, green tea or herbal teas like ginger tea, cinnamon tea or any other flavoured tea as per your taste. You can also pamper yourself with fresh fruit juices but please, a big no to cold drinks as well as soda this winters.

4. Exercise –
Well ..this is also an immunity booster but to be done in moderation. Too much of heavy exercise is not advisable.
Yoga and pranayaam has been beneficial in boosting the immune system from time immemorial. Also getting enough sleep is an immunity booster.

So finally friends ..the guardian angel of your body , that is your immune system, will protect you through the chilly winters if you pay your reverence properly . I wish you all to reinforce your natural immunity arsenal and stay happy and healthy and enjoy the coming winters….chillllll...

by Dr Suranjana Ghosh (Gold Medalist , Ph.D) 8987634116


Learning To Make Soaps At Home

Now ever since I started learning soap making, I have been asked this question a number of times. "Why? Why spend so much time, energy and money when I can buy a bar of soap for 20 bucks from the shop". So let me try and address this very valid question in a very basic manner.

Consider Chocolates! Now you get a 10 Rs bar of simple Cadburys, a 100 RS bar of Bournville, a 300 Rs bar of Lindt, a 1000 Rs Godiva and the list goes on and on. So why this huge price difference? Apart from the technical aspects of types of cacao, the differences in processing etc, the very basic difference is Cocoa butter. Simply speaking the cheaper varieties have hydrogenated fat which is basically Dalda variety. The high end ones have cocoa butter in varying proportions. That is one basic difference that causes variation in taste and price. 

Now coming to soap making. It is a chemical process. Soap is made with the cold process by heating fats or oils, adding lye and water till it thickens and then pouring that into the moulds. Removed from the mould after 24 hours the soap is cured for 4 weeks and then it can be used. So this soap base has all the goodness of oils and fat. 

What do commercial soap makers do? 

They follow the cold process but instead of pouring into moulds they add salt to it. The mixture curdles. The soap floats to the top, is skimmed off and put into moulds. What is left behind is glycerine that is then sold to pharmaceutical companies for profit. And what do these companies do? They add them to creams and lotions and sell it to us. Skin too dry? Use this cream or lotion to make it petal soft. 

Once the glycerine is removed the soap is as good as a bar of detergent. The soap makers might add colour and fragrance to it but that X brand of bathing soap is no better than that Y brand of kapde dhone wala sabun. 

Now soap makers add moisturizers to make sure that your hands too not dry too much. And those are some more chemicals that go into your soap. 

So like cocoa butter, the basic difference between handmade and commercial soaps in glycerine. Glycerine is known for its property of retaining water and sealing in the moisture in your skin. 

Once you start using handmade soaps you can feel the difference. They do not foam as much because that foaming property is also courtesy another chemical. Your skin will be softer as the glycerine will not let it dry. Considering that soaps are something that you use daily without fail, what would be your choice?

by Mukulika Sengupta, Colaba , Mumbai (Click to find me on FB) 


Herbalife Product Review

My Story...
My first introduction to Herbalife was way back in 2008 when I attended a Herbalife meeting just out of curiosity as I was looking for changing jobs and I had nothing better to do. 🙂🙂🙂 The pamphlet that urged the recipient to visit them for a part time job in a multinational nutrition company made me curious. What harm is there in attending a meet I thought, and off I went. At that time I was also doing a ‘Holistic Healing Diploma Course’ from South Delhi Polytechnic.

With a skeptical mind, I attended the workshop and asked the promoters many a difficult question which they answered with loving patience (which did not satisfy me anyway). I did my own research and attended some more workshops. In one such workshop, I took my husband to attend and check up on the credentials of the people and the product (as I believed that he does it better than me 😁 ) . He had just got up from being operated on for a severe Lung Infection and his right lung had been cut to cure the infection. His pain was not going away and his weight was also not increasing to the satisfaction of his doctors. Our ever smiling and patient mentor Noor, talked with my husband and my husband agreed to try Herbalife for his pain and problems.

It was explained to us that Herbalife was not a ‘Weight Loss’ supplement, but a ‘Weight management & Health Improvement’ supplement. So, Herbalife was to take care of the pain and weight gain problem both. To cut the story short, his pain vanished within 10 days of using the Formula 1 & formula 3 shakes and there was marked improvement in his overall wellness.

Encouraged by his experience, I too used the supplements to my advantage and apart from weight management, many small problems which would not go away (like cracking heels, bleeding gums, cracking nails, rough skin) started getting corrected.

I also gave my children ‘Dinoshake’ and they were happy with the chocolaty taste. Many a friend benefited from this supplement and we all became regular users.

Herbalife is a global nutrition and weight management company that develops protein shakes, weight loss supplements, sports and energy products, and a skin and hair product line. Its signature product— composing 30 percent of its sales — is a soy-based meal-replacement shake powder called “Formula 1”.

Here is an example of a typical day on the Herbalife weight management plan (taken from the Herbalife Website):

08:00 Breakfast --  Formula 1 chocolate shake with skim milk and half a banana
11:00 Snack  --  Medium apple
herbalife13:30 Lunch  -- Grilled chicken breast with vegetables and whole wheat bread
17:00 Snack  -- Can of tuna and iceberg salad
20:00 Dinner --  Formula 2 vanilla shake with skimmed milk and half a banana
The supplements and teas supplement this meal plan.

( Disclaimer : I do not sell Herbalife products, but am just a user 🙂; Readers are advised to make their own research before trying the product)

By Anindita Roy ( 9818541252) 


Almond Milk And Badam Milk Shake For The Coming Winters

How To Make Almond Milk at Home

Makes about 2 cups

What You Need
Related imageIngredients
1 cup raw almonds, preferably organic
2 cups water, plus more for soaking
Sweeteners like honey, sugar, agave syrup, or maple syrup, to taste, optional
Measuring cup
Blender or food processor
Fine-mesh nut bag or cheese cloth


Soak the almonds overnight or up to 2 days. Place the almonds in a bowl and cover with about an inch of water. They will plump as they absorb water. Let stand on the counter, covered with a cloth, overnight, or refrigerate for up to 2 days. The longer the almonds soak, the creamier the almond milk.
Image result for almond milk
Drain and rinse the almonds. Drain the almonds from their soaking water and rinse them thoroughly under cool running water. At this point, the almonds should feel a little squishy if you pinch them. (It's best to discard the soaking water because it contains phytic acid, which inhibits the body's ability to absorb nutrients.)

Combine the almonds and water in a blender. Place the almonds in the blender and cover with 2 cups of water.

Blend at the highest speed for 2 minutes. Pulse the blender a few times to break up the almonds, then blend continuously for two minutes. The almonds should be broken down into a very fine meal and the water should be white and opaque. (If using a food processor, process for 4 minutes total, pausing to scrape down the sides halfway through.)

Strain the almonds. Line the strainer with either the opened nut bag or cheese cloth, and place over a measuring cup. Pour the almond mixture into the strainer.

Press all the almond milk from the almond meal. Gather the nut bag or cheese cloth around the almond meal and twist close. Squeeze and press with clean hands to extract as much almond milk as possible. You should get about 2 cups. (See Recipe Note for what to do with the leftover almond meal.)

Sweeten to taste. Taste the almond milk, and if a sweeter drink is desired, add sweetener to taste.

Refrigerate almond milk. Store the almond milk in sealed containers in the fridge for up to two days.

Recipe Notes

Using the leftover almond meal: The leftover almond meal can be added to oatmeal, smoothies, and muffins as it is. You can also spread it out on a baking sheet and bake it in a low oven until completely dry (2 to 3 hours). Dry almond meal can be kept frozen for several months and used in baked goods.

Badam Milk Shake ( Almond Saffron Milk)Related image

Almond saffron milk is a festive drink; this can be served hot or cold. Milk with blend of nuts and flavored with saffron to give a beautiful orange-yellow color and distinctive flavor and aroma.

Serves 2-3.


20 Oz milk
10 almonds
10 pistachios
1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder
2 tablespoons sugar adjust to taste
few strands of saffron

For Garnishing

1 teaspoon thinly sliced pistachios


  • Soak the almonds and pistachios ten minutes in hot water. Peel the skin off the almonds and pistachios.
  • Grind the almonds and pistachios until smooth, using two to three tablespoons of milk.
  • Boil the remaining milk in a heavy bottom pan over medium high heat, stirring occasionally to prevent burning.
  • Add the almond paste, sugar, cardamom and saffron strands. Lower the heat to low and let it simmer four to five minutes, stirring often. Turn off the heat.
  • Serve warm or chilled. Garnish with pistachios.
  • Enjoy!

Related image

Wishing Delhi a Bright, Cosy, Healthy and Pollution -free Winter

Winter is playing hide-n-seek with Delhi. 

In this peek-a boo game, the mornings have become pleasantly nippy with the air whipped with fresh dewy moistness, fighting to win from the smoggy foggy heaviness hanging a few feet above the head. Evenings are resplendent with the sharp, heady and intoxicating frangrance of “Lady of the Night” flowers, that wafts across the entire colony , spreading a natural air freshener throughout this time, before the onset of winter. The wispy evenings punctuate the warm  and sometimes stuffy late afternoon air redolent with the pollutants, and soothe the nerves with numerous night blooms, so naturally grown within the precincts of the colony paths.

The ardent gardening enthusiasts utilise this time to replenish their much- loved gardens with fresh manure, changing the soils, and planting winter blooming saplings that will blossom very soon with all the love and care! Fresh flowers, kitchen gardens and rich green “Garden Crotons” or “Pata Bahar” in Bangla dot the balcony and roof gardens across the colony!

The time of the year when handicrafts fairs, music festivals, school annual functions and college fests fill the calendars and fight to entice the culture- rich Delhi population to their attractions. Picnics, pot luck lunches, lazy and sunny brunches, and bright and twinkling roof top parties are eagerly looked forward to by the party animals in the Delhiite!

In all these festivities, however, the gloom descends, when the X and XII students have to earnestly prepare for the pre-board examinations in December and January and subsequently the Board exams in February. Parents sincerely stay up to support and comfort their children during these trying times. Children are pampered by good food, comfortable environment at home and some sparkles of entertainment by their thoughtful care-givers! Wishing all the students great success in their examinations!

It is hoped that Delhiites become more aware about the pollution that gets trapped in the winter air and take care of their vehicles, so that the we get cleaner, healthier and lighter air to breathe this winter! Lets take all the care to make our habitat more habitable!

Here’s wishing a bright, cosy, healthy and pollution -free winter to Delhi!

Jaya Ray (Habitat.Times@gmail.com)



This Facebook Community Is Bringing Organic Produce Right to Your Table.

“Initially, the yield from organic farming may be low owing to field conversion. Pest attacks may be frequent. But if one understands how to go about it properly, it can be done more economically than that done using fertilizers.

By now we are reasonably sure that everyone knows what the advantages of consuming organic produce are. Various educational institutions have also started teaching students at a very early age about the different health and environmental benefits of organic produce.

However, things are taking a more realistic turn thanks to the new realities of social media, when groups like Krishibhoomi move from the virtual space to an actual physical presence.

Krishibhoomi is a Facebook group with a member base of more than 1.5 lakh people from across the country. With a growing demand for organic produce, group members have started an organic vegetable sale every Sunday at L-43, LIC Lane, Pattom, in Thiruvananthapuram from 8.30 a.m.

Veggies for sale include yam, yam stem, amaranthus, pumpkin and its leaves, other types of leaves, plantain stem, colocasia stem, raw plantain, chilies, long-podded cowpea, Mysore cheera, tapioca, curry leaves, and moringa leaves, as reported in The Hindu.

The group members also claim their produce is priced very reasonably. “Initially, the yield from organic farming may be low owing to field conversion. Pest attacks may be frequent.”

“But if one understands how to go about it properly, it can be done more economically than that done using fertilizers. One can get good produce and quantity too. Here, we are selling produce at market rates, and at times even lower than that,” they say.
One of the USP’s of the group is the elimination of middlemen.

This enables those who are the producers to directly sell their produce.

The Facebook group has many members who are organic producers and farmers. These members in a bid to encourage more people to start organic farming are extremely forthcoming in clearing doubts on the forum. 

For more details on the group visit their Facebook page Krishibhoomi here.

Photo Source: Krishibhoomi Facebook page


Phool Walon Ki Sair

The Phool Walon ki Sair is a festival which is celebrated in the capital city of Delhi in India. Phool Walon ki Sair is a festival or a colorful procession of the flower sellers. In this festival, the Hindus and the Muslims participate with equal enthusiasm. The Phool Walon ki Sair festival is celebrated by everybody in Mehrauli in south Delhi.

It is a week long festival and a unique phenomena when Hindus and Muslims together offer the floral chaadar and pankha at the Dargah of Khwaja Bakhtiar 'Kaaki' in Mehrauli and floral pankha and chhatra (canopy) is offered at the ancient temple of Devi Yogmaya, also, in Mehrauli. The pankha has become a symbol of communal harmony and national integration.

The Festival is being being celebrated since the Mughal period (1812). This year it was celebrated from 30th October to 4th November 2017.

Description of Phool Walon ki Sair:

The Festival of Phool Walon ki Sair in Delhi was started in the 19th Century by the Mughal Emperor Akbar Shah II. The festival, however, became popular during the reign of Bahadur Shah Zafar. Shah Zafar was chosen to be the next emperor by the British. But Queen Mumtaz Mahal wanted to make her son Mirza Jehangir to sit on the throne. But later on, Mirza was sent in deported to Allahabad. His mother Mumtaz then took an oath that she would make a contribution of a four-poster flower bed at the sacred shrine of Khwaja Bakhtiyar Kaki at Mehrauli if her son was permitted to return. When Mirza was at last allowed to return, and rightfully given the throne, according to the promise, a beautiful flower canopy was created to which the flower sellers added an intricate flower pankha at their own cost. This was carried in a procession to the saint’s tomb.

During the Delhi Phool Walon ki Sair, floral tributes are offered at the dargah of the Saint. On the occasion of the grand festival of Phool Walon ki Sair, huge pankhas made of palm leaves decorated with shiny flecks and flowers are offered. Performances of Kathak dances and Quawalis also take place. Fire dancers lead a large procession across the streets carrying flower pankhas. The cultural program of the Festival of Phool Walon ki Sair is held at the Jahaz Mahal.

The Phool Walon ki Sair Festival in Delhi is a festival of joviality and merriment. The festival is celebrated every year in the months of October-November.

Phool Walon ki Sair Phool Walon ki Sair Phool Walon ki Sair Phool Walon ki Sair Phool Walon ki Sair



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